You are using another program or operating framework and aren’t sure how to type a bullet on your PC or smartphone, you can also search for one online and duplicate it to your archive. “tag, and wrap each list passage with “.“ HTML tag, which stands for “unordered list.” Enclose the whole list with an opening “.In HTML, in case you’re editing a website page, you can create a bulleted list with the “.In Microsoft Excel, you can click the “ Insert” tab on the ribbon menu, click “Symbol.” In the “ Character code” contribution to the dialog box, type “ 2022” and click “ Insert.” Then, click “ Close.”.If you don’t have a numeric keypad or want to utilize another strategy, many software tools provide alternative ways to insert a bullet point.įor example, Microsoft Word will make a bulleted list if you start a line of text with the reference symbol, “ *,” which you can discover on your keyboard. In case you’re using a Mac, hold down the “ Alt” key, which is additionally the “ Alternative” key, and press “ 8.” You needn’t mess with a numeric keypad for this to chip away at a Mac. You can also type one on a Mac or find one in the Windows or Mac character map tools.
You can type a bullet symbol or find a speck symbol using various codes with the “ Alt” key on Windows. How to Make a Bullet Point Using the Alt Key?Ī bullet point is regularly used to entries in a list in a record or presentation.